Glue Melting Equipment
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Six standard sizes of large all-purpose melting tanks are available for preparation and storage of protein or flexible glue, paste, gums, plastic adhesives, etc. These tanks are often used for replenishing a battery of small-bench pots.
Inner tanks and covers are fabricated of stainless steel. The housings are electrically welded mild steel. Glass blanket or expanded mica is used as thermal insulation to reduce heat loss. Contactors, control transformers, etc., where required, are mounted in gasketed enclosures. All covers supplied with hand agitated units are one piece while the motor agitated units are furnished with split-type covers…all with lift handles.
Heating Element
The famous Sta-Warm “Even Heat” multiple-circuit blank-type element is uniformly applied to the entire bottom area of each unit and up the sidewalls to approximately 75% of the wall height. Heat is uniformly distributed at extremely low watt density (approx. 3 watts per sq. in.), eliminating the danger of “hot spots” and still avoiding the nuisance and expense of water, oil or other heat transfer mediums.
Accurate variable dial thermostats closely control the wall temperature. Each tank and its control is operated for a minimum of 36 hours continuously during calibration tests, insuring the purchaser of highest quality and trouble-free operation. Standard temperature range is 100 to 212 F.
Available voltages are 120, 208, 240, 480 and 550, single or three phase, 50 or 60 cycle. Other voltages or frequencies to order.
10 through 25 gallon units have hand operated bronze agitators while the 50 gallon and all motor operated tanks are supplied with stainless steel. The Sta-Warm type “B” agitator has near-scraping blades and is especially suited for mixing glue and adhesive preparations. Motor agitation is recommended for all installations where material or labor costs are significant.
All tanks are supplied with a wheel type gate valve located within the heating chamber to prevent “freeze-ups” and are made of suitable corrosion and rust resistant materials.
More Information
Data Sheet For Glue Melters
Glue Melter With Hand Agitation Drawing
Glue Melters With Agitation Drawing
Heated Tanks
Melting and dispensing asphalt, pitch, waxes, adhesives, plastics, oils, capping compounds, soaps, gels, eutectic salts, and many other industrial compounds.

We Can Melt it All
Uniform Heating and Stable Temperatures, Even in Transit
Sta-Warm heated equipment works well with wax, plastics, oils, eutectic salts, tar, potting compounds, soaps, resin, glue, paraffin, potting compounds, low melt alloys, soy wax, beeswax, gels and deionized water.
Our heated valves, pipe, and flexible hose conveys molten materials without loss of heat or temperature.

We Build to Suit
Custom Engineered Solutions
Sta-Warm engineers have the experience and know-how to design and build the exact installation you need.
We are happy to provide FREE, NO OBLIGATION estimates based on your production data.

We are Built to Last
Celebrating Over 100 Years of Quality
Sta-Warm has been in the business of designing and building electrically heated industrial equipment and accessories since 1921.
Our products are proudly made in the USA and built to stand the test of time. When you buy from Sta-Warm, you know you are getting the highest quality industrial heating equipment on the market.

Contact Us Today
Let Our Experts Help You Succeed
Sta-Warm engineers and technicians have the experience and knowledge to design and build the equipment your company requires.
If you would like more information about our products, or if you would like a FREE, NO OBLIGATION estimate, please contact us today.